I try to imagine what the women in the family must have thought of leaving home. I try to picture Mary Estow standing on the shoreline, looking out over the rough surf, gulls diving and crying overhead. Turning her head, she could look back at the land of her fathers. A place familiar, home to her kin for centuries. A land which was plowed with their sweat and tears and into whose cold earthly embrace they had laid their mothers, fathers, spouses and children. She turns and looks out over an endless churning ocean towards the land of her sons. Unknown. Frightening. Were they filled with dread, anxiety or excitement at the prospect of boarding a small wooden ship, spending weeks at sea, and beginning anew.
Okay, enough creative writing practice, Here's what I think I know about William Estow and his wife the widow Mary Moulton.
english origins

The Ormesby farmers grew cereal, they did some dairying and stock rearing. The work was labor intensive. It must have been frustrating to spend your life toiling over someone else's land, knowing it would never really be yours. This is what made New England so attractive, a man could own his own land, and any improvements he made to it would be to his benefit.
In 1587, William Esto [sic] testified that he was a servant of Edward Clere and of his father before him. He gave his age as seventy. On February 26 1589/90, William wrote his will. His wife Margery was to get all of his property, cattle, supplies and household goods for life. After her death it would go to his son George. His son John got forty shillings. George was also given the lease on some land, that his father held from Sir Edward Clere. William, in his will, referred to himself as Esto alias Cooke, it would be interesting to know what that was about. On 30 May 1592, George probated his father's will.
Margery Estow, widow, wrote her will on 20 June 1599, it was proved on 6 July of the same year. she followed her husband's wishes and left her house, tenement and orchards to her son George. If George died without an heir, all would go to his brother John. In this will we find that George and John have a sister named Margaret. She is married and her eldest daughter seems to be married. Named without explanation are Robert, William, Edmond and Elizabeth Estow.
George had two older brothers, that were not mentioned in his father's will. The oldest was William Jr. He was dead by 28 November 1578. He too called himself alias Cock. He had no children and left the bulk of his estate to his brother James. In his will are the surnames of many of those families who migrated with William Estow; Palmer, Marston, and Nudd. James died in 1609 and left legacies to the children of his brother George; Robert, William, Edmond, Elizabeth and Mary. These are the children named in their grandmother's will in 1589, except for Mary, who must not have been born.
The children are all identified as minors. If Robert were the eldest the William could not have been older than 19 in 1609 which means he was born after 1589. For the four oldest children to have all been born by 1599, when Margery wrote her will, he had to have been born no later than 1594.The only child who baptism record can be found is Mary, she was baptized at St. Margaret's on 20 August 1603. Nothing else is know about George, we do not know the name of his wife or when either of them died.
William and Mary

William Estow and his wife had two children together, both daughters.[4]
1. Sarah b. abt. 1624, m. abt. 1643 Morris Hobbs
2. Mary bp. 8 June 1628 at Ormesby, m. Thomas Marston 1648, she was living in 1700.
coming to new england
In 1630 John Winthrop led a large group of immigrants to Massachusetts to establish his 'Shining City on a Hill'. For the next ten years, thousands of men and women left England to try their hand in the new colony. Some returned, unable to cope with the primitive living conditions, others persevered and made a new life for themselves. A large portion of these immigrants originated in East Anglia, a geographical area of England which included the County of Norfolk. For the husbandmen of Ormesby, the temptation to owe you own land must have been a strong pull. To no longer pay rents, or be at the mercy of the fractious land owning magnets was a opportunity which could not be ignored.
In 1637 Robert and Lucy Page, along with their children and servants boarded a ship in the Suffolk port of Ipswich and sailed for New England. Mary Estow's son William was one of Robert Pages Servants. A year or so later. William and Mary, along with their two youngest children joined the Pages in New England. They left behind Mary's children, John, Abigail and Anne. She would never see them again. [5]
The plantation of Newbury was begun in 1638. William Estow was one of the first settlers. He was made a freeman on 12 December 1638, which speaks to his Puritan leanings. He was given a house lot of ten acres. What must that have felt like, to be a land owner for the first time? The Estow family did not remain long in Newbury, choosing to move and settle permanently in Hampton in the the province of New Hampshire.

On 16 October 1655, William, feeling his age, wrote his last will and testament. His wife Mary was not mentioned, the most likely explanation for this is that she had already died. He left the largest part of his estate to his daughter Sarah Hobbs and her husband who lived with William. Mary was left a bequest valued at about 60 pounds. Money was also given to the four children of William Moulton. [6] Accord to V.C. Sanborn William died on 23November 1655.
[1] Walter Goodwin Davis, The Ancestry of Sarah Stone, Wife of James Patten of Arundel (Kennebunkport) Maine, (Portland, Maine: Sourthworth Press, 1930).
[2] P. W. Hasler, The History of Parliament, 1588-1603, digital images, The History of Parliament Online (http://www.historyofparliamentonline.org/volume/1558-1603/member/clere-edward-1536-1606 : accessed 27 February 2016).
[3] Myrtle Stevens Hyde, "Revised Ancestry for William Moulton of Hampton, New Hampshire, Including Some Revisions of the Early Ancestry of His New England Cousins," New England Historical and Genealogical Register (July 2009) Vol. 163, 165-173 and 273-277; digital images, American Ancestors (https://www.americanancestors.org/DB202/i/11728/165/0 : accessed 28 December 2017).
[4] John Brooks Threlfall, Fifty Great Migration Colonists, 216.
[5] John Brooks Threlfall, Fifty Great Migration Colonists, 217.
[6] Walter Goodwin Davis, The Ancestry of Sarah Stone.
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