
second marriage, second family
Tabatha eventually remarried but the date was not recorded. Her second husband was Hezekiah Underhill; he was the son of Sampson and Elizabeth Ambrose Underhill. He was born about 1727 in Salisbury, MA and moved with his parents to Chester, NH. Hezekiah's father died while he was just a small child, not unlike David Foss, Tabatha's son. Hezekiah was a cordwainer, or shoemaker, by trade. He bought land in 1754 and 1759. I don't know where they lived, but as Tabatha already had a house to live in it is possible that they continued to live in the house that she and John Foss had shared.
Tabatha and Hezekiah had at least 3 if not 4 children. The only known birth year is that of their son Josiah who was born in 1758. Tabatha and Hezekiah also had two daughters, Sarah and Hannah. According to Chase's History of Chester, they had a son named Jonathan who was not named in Hezekiah's will, it is speculated that he died during the American Revolution.
Tabatha's children:
David Foss b. 12 Oct 1744 m. Anne Richardson, m. Elizabeth, d. 8 Dec. 1786
Josiah Underhill b. 1758 d. 1 May 1822
Sarah m. Samuel Underhill her cousin
death of a son
In 1786 Tabatha's eldest child, David Foss, died. He was 42 years old. He had at least nine children. He did not have a will. The probate court set out the dower of both Tabatha and her daughter in law Elizabeth on the same day. Tabatha got one third of the property, house and barn, and so did Elizabeth. It must have been an interesting household.
Hezekiah died in Chester on 18 March 1800. He wrote his will in 1786, leaving all his real estate to his son Josiah. His two daughters were given money, livestock and household goods. He left nothing to the children of David Foss. Tabatha died about three years later in August of 1803.
My Sargent Family Line with links:
William Sargent and Elizabeth Perkins
William Sargent and Mary Colby
Thomas Sargent and Rachel Barnes
Jacob Sargent and Judith Harvey
Probate Records of New Hampshire
Rockingham County Deeds
Chase, History of Chester, NH
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